The microfiche collection of printed materials in western languages about Japan from 16th century to the advent of World War II.

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"Amida Buddha unsere Zuflucht" Urkunden zum Verstädnis des japanischen Sukãviti-Buddhismus / von Hans Haas

Author: Hans Haas
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 800-1 802
Year: 1910, Place: Göttingen
Publisher: Göttengen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht; Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs´sche Buchh

Advis du Iappon des annees M.D. LXXXII, LXXXIII, et LXXXIV avec quelques autres de la Chine, des annees LXXXIII, LXXXIV : recuilliz des lettres de la Compagnie de Iesus, r[ec]eües au mois de Decembre M.D.LXXXV.

Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 253-11 255
Year: 1586, Place: Paris
Publisher: Thomas Brumen..

Alcune lettere delle cose del Giappone / scritte da´reuerendi padri della Compagnia di Iesu

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 071-9 072
Year: 1584, Place: In Roma
Publisher: Appresso Francesco Zannetti

All about Japan stories of sunrise land told for little folks / by Belle M. Brain

Author: Belle M. (Belle Marvel) Brain
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 163-8 166
Year: 1905, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Altjapanischer Idealismus und Seine Entwicklung / von Kishio Satomi

Author: Kishio Satomi
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 882
Year: 1923, Place: Berlin
Publisher: Selbstverlag des Verfassers

An American missionary in Japan / by M.L. Gordon

Author: M.L. (Marquis Lafayette) Gordon
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 564-2 567
Year: 1892, Place: Boston
Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

Annalen des japanischen Buddhismus / von Hans Haas

Author: Hans Haas
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 380-9 381
Year: 1908, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Druck der Nobunsho

Apostle of Ryo-U Herman H. Cook, missionary in Japan

Author: Allen R. Bartholomew
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 967-10 968
Year: 1917, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in the United States

An attempt at unity in Japan (Anglican nd Eastern Orthodox Churches) / by Charles F. Sweet

Author: Charles Filkins Sweet
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 677
Year: 1912, Place: [Japan]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Auf Missionspfaden in Japan / von Hermann Dalton

Author: Hermann Dalton
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 640-11 644
Year: 1895, Place: Bremen
Publisher: C.E. Müller´s Verlagsbuchh.

Aussführliche Geschicht der in dem 'ussersten Welt-Theil gelegenen japonesischen Kirch worinn die glückliche Vertilgung der Abgöttery, Einführung, Fortsplantzung, Verfolgung.. / von Joanne Crasset, der Gesellschafft Jesu Priestern; anjetzo aber auf viler Verlangen in die teutsche Sprach übersetzt worden..

Authors: Jean Crasset, Jesu Priestern (editor)
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 526-5 537
Year: 1738, Place: Augspurg
Publisher: In Verlag Frantz Antoni Ilger, Cathol. Buchhandler

Aventures d´un missionnaire francais aux Iles Liou-Tcheou (Japan), 1844-1846 / par A. Bocher

Author: Jules Charles Armédée Bocher
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 889
Year: 1895, Place: Paris
Publisher: Impr. Typographique H. Richard

Avisi partcolari del avmento che Iddio de alla sua Chiesa Catolica nell´Indie, et spetialmente nelli Regni di Giappon con informatione della China, ricuuti dalle Padri della Compagna di lesu, questo anno del 1558

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 975-12 976
Year: 1558, Place: In Roma
Publisher: Nella casa della Compagnia di Iesv

Batalhas da Companhia de Jesus na sua gloriosa provincia do Japão / pelo Antonio Francisco Cardim ; inedito destinado á X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas por Luciano Cordeiro

Authors: Antonio Francisco Cardim, Luciano Cordeiro (editor)
Language: Portugese
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 518-2 521
Year: 1894, Place: Lisboa
Publisher: Impr. Nacional

Bemmo, or, An exposition of error being a treatise directed against Christianity / by Yasui Chiuhei ; with a preface by Shimadzu Saburo

Authors: Yasui Chiuhei, Shimadzu Saburo (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 463
Year: 1875, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Printed at the "Japan mail" office

The Bodhisattva Ti-tsang (Jizõ) in China and Japan / by M.W. de Visser

Author: Marinus Willem de Visser
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 628-10 630
Year: 1914, Place: Berlin
Publisher: Oesterheld

Breve relatione del consistoro publico, dato ágli ambasciadori giapponesi dalla buona memoria della Sntitá di Papa Greg. XIIIj. In Roma, il di 23. Di Mrzo 1585 : con l´arriuo fatto in Pisa, & la riceuuta fattagli da S.A.S. per tutto il suo felicissimo stato..

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 929
Organization: Catholic Church. Pope (1572-1585 : Gregory XII)
Year: 1585, Place: In Firenze
Publisher: Dalle scalee di Badia

Brief van een duitscher, aan zijnen vriend in Japan, naar aanleiding van Dr. A. Pierson´s "Onverdraagzaamheid" / [Misopseudes]

Author: Misopseudes
Language: Dutch
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 730
Year: 1864, Place: Utrecht
Publisher: J.J.H. Kemmer

A briefe relation of the persecution lately mae against the Caatholike Christians, in the kingdome of Iaponia diuided into two bookes : taken out of the annual letters of the fathers of the Society of Jesus.. / written in Spanish.. ; and newly translated into English by W.W. Gent

Author: W.W. Gent (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 492-11 495
Year: 1619, Place: [S.I.]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Buddhist & Christian gospels being gospel parallels from Päli text now first compared from the originals / by Albert J. Edmunds

Author: Albert J. (Albert Joseph) Edmunds
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 866-7 868
Year: 1905, Volume: 3
Edition: 3rd and complete ed. / edited with parallers and notes from the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka by M. AnesakiPlace: Tõkyõ
Publisher: The Yühõkwan Pub. House

The Buddhist Tripitaka as it is know in China and Japan a catalogue and compendius report / by Samuel Beal

Author: Samuel Beal
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 239-12 240
Year: 1876, Place: Devonport
Publisher: Printed for the India Office by Clarke & Son

Bushido: the soul of Japan an exposition of Japanese thought / by Inazo Nitobé

Author: Inazó Nitobé
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 22-24
Year: 1907, Edition: 10th rev. and enl. ed.Place: New York
Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons

Captain Bickel of the Inland Sea / by Charles Kendall Harrington

Author: Charles Kendall Harrington
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 453-10 456
Year: 1919, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Cartas que los padres y hermanos dela Compañia de Iesus que andan en los Reynos de Iapon escriuieron alos dela misma Compañia, desde el año de mil y quinientos y quareta..

Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 523-11 529
Year: 1575, Place: Alcala
Publisher: En csa de Iuan Iñiguez de Lequerica

Catalogo de´ religiosi della compagnia di giesu, che furuno tormentati, et fatti morire nel Giappone per la sede di Christo l´anno 1632 e 1633 cauato dalle lettere annue, che sono arriuate quest´anno 1635 in Lisbona con la naue Capitana dell´India orientale

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 842
Year: 1636, Place: Roma
Publisher: Per Francesco Corbelletti

The Catholic Church in Japan / by the Rev. Dr. Casartelli

Author: Louis Charles Casartelli
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 701
Year: 1897, Place: London
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society

A Chapter of mission history in modern Japan being a sketch for the period since 1869 and a report for the years since 1893 of the American Board´s Mission and the Kumiai churches in their affiliated work / compiled by James H. Pettee

Author: James Horace Pettee (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 437-2 439
Period: [1895?]
Place: [Tokyo?]
Publisher: Printed at the Tokyo-Seishibunsha

China and Japan a charge, delivered in the cthedral church of St. John, Victoria, Hongkong, February 2nd, 1869 / by Charles Richard Alford

Author: Charles Richard Alford
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 819
Year: 1869, Place: Hongkong
Publisher: Noronha & Sons

The Christian faith in Japan

Author: Herbert Moore
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 572-2 574
Year: 1904, Edition: 2nd ed.Place: Westminster
Publisher: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

The Christian movement in Japan, Korea and Formosa. 24th

Language: English
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 8 600-8 605
Period: 1921-1926
Volume: 7
Place: Japan
Publisher: Federation of Christian Missions

The Christian movement in Japan. 12th

Language: English
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 8 577-8 599
Period: 1906-1914
Volume: 9
Place: Tõkyõ
Publisher: Published for the Standing Committee of Co-operating Christian Missions [by the] Methodist Publishing House

Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecvcion qve padecio memorias sacras, de los martyres de las ilvstres religiones de Santo Domingo, San Francisco.. / sv. avtor Joseph Sicardo

Author: José Sicardo
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 436-7 441
Year: 1698, Place: Madrid
Publisher: Por Francisco Sanz, Impressor del Reyno..

Christianity and humanity a course of lectures delivered in Meiji Kuaido, Tokio, Japan / by Charles S. Eby ; including one lecture each by J.A. Ewing and J.M Dixon

Authors: Charles S. (Charles Samuel) Eby, J.A. Ewing (editor), J.M. Dixon (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 323-5 326
Year: 1883, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: R. Meiklejohn

Christianity as a social factor in modern Japan / by Allen Klein Faust

Author: Ellen Klein Faust
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 422-423
Year: 1909, Place: Lancaster
Publisher: Steinman & Foltz

Christianity in Japan

Author: Horace Davis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 069
Year: 1887, Place: [U.S.]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Christianity in Japan 1859-1883 / by Masanobu Ishizaka

Author: Masanobu Ishizaka
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 454
Period: [1895?]
Place: [Baltimore]
Publisher: [Johns Hopkins University?]

Christianity in modern Japan / by Ernest W. Clement

Author: Ernest Wilson Clement
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 370-5 373
Year: 1905, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: American Baptits Publication Society

Chronicas de la apostolica Provincia de S.Gregorio de Religiosos Descalzos de N.S.P.S. Francisco en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon, &c. / escrita por el p. fr. Juan Francisco de S. Antonio

Author: Juan Francisco de San Antonio
Language: Latin
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 10 822-10 849
Period: 1738-1744
Volume: 3
Place: Manila
Publisher: Impressa en la imprenta del vso de la propria Provincia…por Fr. Juan del Sotillo

The church and international relations, Japan report of the Commission on Relations with Japan / prepared by Charles S. Macfarland

Author: Charles S. Macfarlane (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 691-2 694
Organization: ederal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Commission on Relations with Japan
Year: 1917, Place: New York
Publisher: Missionary Education Movement

The church in China and Japan a sermon preached in Camden Church, Camberwell : with introductory preface / by Anthony Grant

Author: Anthony Grant
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 783
Year: 1859, Place: London
Publisher: Bell and Daldy

Church work in Japan / compiled by Alfred Arnold ; with a preface by the bishop in South Tokyo

Author: Alfreda Arnold
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 498-2 500
Year: 1905, Place: [London?]
Publisher: Society for Propogation of the Cospel in Foreign Parts

Cinquante ans d´apostolat au Japon / A. Villion

Author: A. Villion
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 808-2 813
Year: 1923, Place: Hong Kong
Publisher: Impr. De l Société des Missions-Etrangéres

Circular regarding collections of religious objects

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 864
Year: 1894, Place: Chicago
Publisher: University of Chicago

Compendio dell vita, e morte del P. Marcello Mastrilli della Compagnis di Giesú vcciso da idolatri nel Giappone, cauato dalla seconda parte dell´istoria dell´Asia / scritta dal P. Daniello Bartoli

Author: Daniello Bartoli
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 305-11 307
Year: 1671, Place: Napoli
Publisher: Per Luc´Antonio di Fu..

Compendio della vita e del martirio dei santi giapponesi Paolo Michi, Giovanni de Goto e Giacomo Chisai della Compagnia di Gesú / compilata dal P. Giuseppe Boero

Author: Giuseppe P. Boero (editor)
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 726
Year: 1862, Place: Roma
Publisher: Coi tipi della Civilté Cattolica

Compendio delle heroiche et gloriose attioni, et santa vita di papa Greg. XIII distino in tredici capi, in memoria delli XIII. Anni, ch´egli visse nel suo felice ponteficato / raccolto da Marc´ Antonio Ciappi..

Author: Marco Antonio Ciappi
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 299-11 300
Year: 1596, Place: Roma
Publisher: Nella Stamperia de gli Accolti

Congress of Japanese religionists

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 353
Organization: Congress of Japanese Religionists
Year: 1904, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Kindodo

Constitution and by-laws of the Japan Mission of the A.B.C.F.M. 1897

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 613
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission
Year: 1891, Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [The Board]

Contemptus mundi jenbu core youo itoi, Ieusu Christono gocõxcqiuo manabi tatematcuru michiuo voxiyuruqiõ

Language: Ainu
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 875-11 879
Organization: Imitati Christi. Japanese
Year: 1596, Place: [Amakusa?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Copia d´una breve relatione della Christianita di Giappone del mese di marzo del M.D.XCVIII. Insmo ad Ottob. Del medismo anno.. / scritta al R.P. Claudio Acquauiua, generale della Compagnie di Giesú

Author: Francesco Pasio
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 445-11 446
Year: 1601, Place: Venetia
Publisher: Appressio Gio. Batt. Ciotti Sanese

The creed of half Japan historical sketches of Japanese Buddhism / by Arthur Lloyd

Author: Arthur Lloyd
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 418-1 422
Year: 1911, Place: London
Publisher: Smith, Elder

The cross in Japan a study of archievement and opportunity / by Fred Eugene Hagin

Author: Fred Eugene Hagin
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 490-8 494
Year: 1914, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

The cross in Japan a history of the missions of St. Francis Xavier and the early Jesuits / by Cecilia Mary Caddel

Author: Cecilia Mary Caddel
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 855-12 857
Year: 1904, Edition: New ed. / with pref. & supplementary chapter by the Bishop of SalfordPlace: London
Publisher: Burns & Oates

The crucifixion of the twenty-six in 1597 excepts translated from the Bollandist Acta sanctorum for February fifth / by Chharles F. Sweet

Author: Charles Filkins Sweet (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 009
Organization: Acta sanctorum
Year: 1916, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Printed by the Fukuin Print Co.

Davis, solder missionary a biography of Rev. Jerome D. Davis, D.D., lieut-colonel of volunteers and for thirty-nine years a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Japan / by J. Merle Davis

Author: J. Merle (John Merle) Davis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 239-5 243
Year: 1916, Place: Boston
Publisher: Pilgrim Press

De missione legoratum Iaponensium ad romanam curiam, rebusq, in Europa, ac toto itinere animaduersis dialogus.. / ab Eduardo de Sande

Author: Duarte de Sande
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 066-9 070
Year: 1590, Place: In Macaensi portu
Publisher: In Domo Societatis Iesu

De novis christiane religionis progressibus et certaminibus in Iaponia anno M.D.CXXII, in regno sinarum, M.D.CXXI et M.D.CXXII, litterae, ad reuerendum in Christo Patrem mutium vitellescum Praepositum Genealem Societatis Iesu

Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 264-11 265
Year: 1627, Place: Monasterii Westphaliae
Publisher: Ex Officina typographica Michaelis Dalii

De persecutionibus Christianorum in Japan consensu facultatis philosophicae, disputabunt praeses M. Jo. Godofredus Hilscher.. & respondens Carolus Gvilelmus Jacobi..

Author: Johann Gottfried Hilscher
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 756
Year: 1690, Volume: 1
Place: Lipsiae
Publisher: Christophori Guntheri

De rebus iaponicis historica relatio, eaque triplex I. De gloriosa morte 26. Crusifixorum. II De legatione regis Chinesium ad regem Iaponie, e de prodigiis legationem antegressis. III. De rebus.. / a R.P. Ludovico Frois Societatis Iesu, ad R.P. Claudium Aquauiuam, eis..

Authors: Luís Fróis, R.P. Ludovico Fróis (editor), R.P. Claudio Acquauiua (editor)
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 223-11 226
Year: 1599, Place: Moguntiae
Publisher: Ex officina typographica I. Albini

De Schristianis apvd Iaponis trivmhis sive de gravissima ibidem contra Christi fidem persecvtione exhorta.. / auctore Nicolao Trigautio

Author: Nicolas Trigault
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 430-7 435
Year: 1623, Place: Monachii
Publisher: Auctario et iconibvs Sadelerianis

Defense des nouveaux chrestiens et des missionaires de la Chine, du Japon, & des Index contre deux livres intitulez, La morale pratique des Kesuites, & L´esprit de M. Arnauld

Author: Michel Le Tellier
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 509-11 515
Year: 1688, Edition: 2. Éd. / avec une réponse á quelques plaintes contre cette DéfensePlace: Paris
Publisher: E. Michallet

Delle missioni de´padri della Compagnia di Giesu nella Prouinci del Giappone, e particolarmente di quella di Tumkino libri cinque / del P. Gio. Filippo de Marini

Author: Gio. Filippo de Marini
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 452-11 458
Year: 1663, Place: Roma
Publisher: Per Nicoló Angelo Tinassi

Der Buddhismus in China, Korea und Japan

Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 843
Organization: Buddhismus. 3. T.
Period: [1906?]
Place: [Halle a.S.]
Publisher: [Gebauer-Schwetsche]

The development of religion in Japan / by George William Knox

Author: George William Knox
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 080-1 082
Year: 1907, Place: New York
Publisher: G.P. Putnam´s sons

The diary of a Japanese convert / by Kanzo Uchimura

Author: Kanzo Uchimura
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 811-813
Year: 1895, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Die Auslegungen zur den Nachrichten von dem Gotte I-za-nagi / von August Pfizmaier

Author: August Pfizmaier
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 525-9 526
Year: 1865, Place: Wien
Publisher: Commission bei K. Gerold´s Sohn

Die Beziehungen der japanischen Mythologie zur griechischen Inaugural-Dissertation.. / von Eckart Franz

Author: Eckart Franz
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 854-2 855
Year: 1932, Place: Bonn
Publisher: Druckerie J. Duckiwitz

Die Historischen Quellen der Shinto-Religion / aus dem altjapanischen und chinesischen übersetzt und erklärt von Karl Florenz

Author: Karl Adolf Florenz (editor)
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 343-5 348
Year: 1919, Place: Göttingen
Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Die Missionsgeschichte späterer Zeiten, oder, Gesammelte Briefe der katholischen Missionaire aus allen Theilen der Welt ein wichtiger Beytrag zur Natur- Länder- und Völkerkunde, vorzüglich aber zur christlichen Erbauung : der Briefe aus Japan

Language: German
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 12 978-12 992
Period: 1795-1798
Volume: 3
Place: Augsburg
Publisher: Bey Nicolaus Doll

Die religiöse Gedankenwelt der Japaner im Spiegel ihres Sprichtworts Inauguraldissertation genehmigt von der philologish-historien Abteilung der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig / von Günter Sudau

Author: Günter Sudau
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 767-2 768
Year: 1932, Place: Leipzig
Publisher: [s.n.]

Die Siege der heiligen Martyrer worin die geschichte der Japanesischen Martyrer ausführlich mitgetheilt wird..

Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 553-2 558
Year: 1841, Place: Regensburg
Publisher: G.J. Manz

Directory of Protestant missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the year 1904

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 774-11 775
Year: 1904, Place: Hongkong
Publisher: Printed and published at the "Daily Press" office

Dominican missions and martyrs in Japan / by Bertrand Wilberforce ; with a prefae by the late Cardinal Manning

Author: Bertrand A. Wilberforce
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 525-2 527
Year: 1897, Edition: New ed.Place: London
Publisher: Art and Book Co.

Dux Christus an outline study of Japan / by William Elliot Griffis

Author: William Elliot Griffis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 478-7 481
Year: 1905, Place: New York
Publisher: Macmillan

Dzieje chrze´scija´nsta w Japonii wiadomosci z ró´znyhn sprawozdan missyjnych i innych zródel historycznych / zebra w jedne calosc Józef Holubowicz

Author: Jozef Holubowich
Language: Poland
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 972-12 974
Year: 1887, Place: W. Krakowie
Publisher: W. drukarni "Czasu" Fr. Kluczyckiego i sp. Pod zarzadem J. Lakocinskiego

Echoes from Japan

Author: M. Miss McLean
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 346-349
Year: 1889, Place: London
Publisher: Passmore & Alabaster

Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der japanischen Christen im 17. Jahrhundert / von G. Mitsukuri

Author: Genpachi Mitsukuri
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 896
Year: 1901, Place: [S.I.]
Publisher: [s.n.]

El admirable y excelente martirio en el reyno de Iapon de los benditos padres fray Bartolome Gutierrez, fray Francisco de Gracia, y fry Thomas de S. Augustin, religiosos de la Orden de San Augustin../ por Martin Clauer

Author: Martin Clauer
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 797
Year: 1638, Place: Manila
Publisher: Colegio de Santo Thomas por L. Beltran, Impr.

Englischen liebbrinnendten S. Francisci Ordens Relations Continution oder Volführung angedeuter Excellentz.. / .. dem Chronico dess.. Herrn Francisci Gonzage.. Und P.F. Francisco de S. Columbano.. Auss Latein in unser Teutsch verwendet durch P.F. Thobiam Hendschelium

Authors: Tobias Hendschel, Francisci Gonzage (editor), P.F. Francisco de S. Columbano (editor)
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 262-11 263
Year: 1617, Place: Gedruckt zu Ingolstatt
Publisher: In der Ederischen Truckerey, bey Elisabeth Angermayrin, Wittib.

The essence of Japanese Buddhism / by Riusaku Tsunoda ; with an introduction by Rev. Yemio Imamura

Authors: Ryüsaku Tsunoda, Yemio Imamura (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 666
Year: 1914, Place: Honolulu
Publisher: The Advertiser Press

The evolution of a missionary a biography of John Hyde De Forest / by Charlotte B. DeForest ; introduction by Harlan P. Beach

Author: Charlotte B. (Charlotte Burgis) DeForest
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 374-5 377
Year: 1914, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Exotics and retrospectives / by Lafcadio Hearn

Author: Lafcadio Hearn
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 441-5 444
Year: 1899, Place: Boston
Publisher: Little, Brown

The faith of Japan

Author: Tasuku Harada
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 272-1 274
Year: 1914, Place: New York
Publisher: Macmillan

Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus suo adhuc madentibus sanguine / compositus a Antonio Francisco Cardim

Author: Antonio Francisco Cardim
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 692-11 697
Year: 1646, Place: Romae
Publisher: Typis Heredum Corbelletti

Fifth annual report of the work of the Niigata Station of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, in Japan, ending March 31, 1888

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 610
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission. Niigata Station
Year: 1888, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: R. Meikeljohn, Printers

Filled hands a story of Mrs. A.M. Drennan´s life and work in Japan / by Mrs. J.H. Morton

Author: Henrietta Josephine Neal Morton
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 547-9 458
Year: 1899, Place: Nashville
Publisher: Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. House

Fourteenth report of the Council of Missions cooperating with the Church of Christ in Japan, January 1891

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 611
Organization: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Japan Mission
Year: 1891, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Printed at the Seishi Bunsha

Francisci Xaverii epistolarum libri quatuor nova quarumdam accessione opus omnibus operariis evangelicis perutile / ab Horatio Tursellini e Societate Jesu in latinum conversi ex hispano

Authors: Francisco Xavier, Horatio Tursellino (editor)
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 530-11 534
Year: 1682, Place: [Lyon]
Publisher: Apud Anton Molin..

Friends of Jesus. Vol. IV, No. 2, Shanghai number

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 071
Year: 1931, Place: [Tokyo]
Publisher: [s.n.]

From sunrise land letters from Japan / by Amy Wilson-Carmichael : preface by C.A. Fox

Authors: Amy Carmichael, C.A. Fox (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 585-11 587
Year: 1895, Place: London
Publisher: Marshall Bros.

Further memories / by Lord Redesdale ; with an introduction by Edmund Gosse

Authors: Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Redesdale, Edmund Gosse (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 678-8 681
Year: 1917, Place: London
Publisher: Hutchinson

Geschichte des Christentums in Japan / von Hans Haas

Author: Hans Haas
Language: German
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 2 539-2 547
Period: 1902-1904
Volume: 2
Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Buchdr. Der Rikkyo Gakuin Press

The gist of Japan the islands, their people and missions / by R.B. Peery

Author: R.B. (Rufus Benton) Peery
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 603-2 606
Year: 1906, Edition: 6th ed.Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Grundlage der japanischen Sitten / von Jujiro Hashimoto

Author: Jujiro Hashimoto
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 856-2 857
Year: 1936, Place: Kiel
Publisher: [s.n.]

Heriones of the mission field biographical sketches female missionaries who have laboured in various lands among the heathen / by Emma Raymond Pitman

Author: Emma Raymond Pitman
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 678-7 682
Year: 1880, Place: London
Publisher: Cassel, Petter, Galpin

Hindu logic as preserved in China and Japan / by Sadajiro Sugiura

Author: Sadajiro Sugiura
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 263-5 264
Year: 1900, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: [s.n.]

Histoire de la religion chrétienne au Japon depuis 1598 jusqua 1651 comprenant les faits relatifs aux deux cent cing martyrs béatifies le 7 juillet 1867 / par Leon Pagés

Author: Leon Pagés
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 388-2 402
Period: 1869-1870
Volume: 2
Place: Paris
Publisher: C. Douniol

Histoire de l´église du Japon / par le r.p. Crasset

Author: Jean Crasset
Language: French
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 930-945
Period: 1689-1715
Volume: 2
Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez. F. Montalant

Histoire de l´éstablissement, des progrés et de l décadence du christianisme dans l´empire du japon oü l´on voit les différentes révolutions qui ont agité cette monachie pendant plus d´un siécle / par le R.P. de Charlevois

Author: Pierre-Francois-Xavier de Charlevoix
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 373-388
Year: 1715, Volume: 3
Place: Rouen
Publisher: G. Behourt

Histoire de Saint Francois de Xavier de la Compagnie de Jésus apôtre des Indes et du Japon, protecteur de l´Orient / par J.-M.-S. Deurignac ; accompagnée de nouveaux documents et d´un rapport du R.P. Artola, sur l´état actuel du cháteu et de crusifix miraculeux de la chapelle de Xavier

Authors: J.-M.-S. Daurignac, R.P. Artola (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 875-12 882
Year: 1857, Volume: 2
Place: Paris
Publisher: A. Bray

Histoire des dynasties divines / publiée en japonais, traduit pour la premiére fois sur le texte original, accompagnée d´une glose inédit composée en chinois et d´un commentaire prpétuel rédigé en francais, par Léon de Rosny

Author: Léon de Rosny (translator)
Language: French
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 10 167-10 171
Year: 1884, Period: 1884-1887
Place: Paris
Publisher: E. Leroux

Histoire des idées religieuses et philosphique du Japon / par Shun Ôsumi

Author: Shun Ôsumi
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 815-2 817
Year: 1929, Place: Kyôto
Publisher: [s.n.]

Histoire des vingt-six martyrs du Japon crusifiés a Nangasaqui, le 5 février 1597, avec un apercu historique sur les chrétientes du Japon / par D. Bouix

Author: D. (Dominique) Bouix
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 590-2 593
Year: 1862, Place: Paris
Publisher: Libr. Catholique de Perisse fréres

Histoire du christianisme au Japon Oú l´on voit les différentes révolutions qui ont agité cette monarchie pendnt plus d´in siécle / par le p. de Charlevoix

Author: Pierre-francois-Xavier de Chrlevoix
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 984-10 991
Year: 1855, Volume: 2
Edition: Nouv. Éd., devant servier de complément aux divers recuils de lttres édifiantesPlace: Liége
Publisher: H. Dessain

Histoire ecclesiastique des isles et royaumes du Iapon / recueille par Francois Solier

Author: Francois Solier (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 564-11 572
Year: 1627, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy

Historia de la provincia del Sancto Rosario de la Orden de Predicatores en Philippinas, Iapon, y China / por Diego Aduarte.. ; añadida por Domingo Gonzalez

Author: Diego Aduarte
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 733-12 742
Year: 1640, Place: Manila
Publisher: L. Beltran, impressor de libros

Historia del regno di Voxu del Giaponie dell´antichità, nobiltà, e valore del suo re Idate Masamune : .. E dell´ Ambasciata che hà inuiata alla Sta. Di N.S. Papa Paolo V. e delli suoi succesi.. / fatta per Scipione Amati..interprete, & historico dell´Ambasciata

Author: Scipione Amati
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 108-9 109
Year: 1615, Place: In Roma
Publisher: Appresso Giacomo Mascardi

Historia eclesiastica de los sucessos de la christiandad de Japan, desde el año de 1602 qve entro en el orden de predicadores, hasta el de 1620 / compvesta por el padre fray Iacinto Orfanel ; y añadid hasta el fin del año de 1622 por el padre fray Diego Collado

Authors: Jacinto Orfanel, Diego Collado (editor)
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 893-11 897
Year: 1633, Place: Madrid
Publisher: Por la viuda de Alonso Martin

Historia et relatione del Tunchino e del Giappone con la vera relatione ancora d´altri regni e prouincie di uelle regioni, e del loro gouerno politico : con le missioni fatteui dalli padri della Compagnia di Giesú.. / opera del P. Gio. Filippo de Marini

Author: Gio. Filippo de Marini
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 292-11 298
Year: 1665, Place: Roma
Publisher: Nella Stamperia di Vitale Mascardi

Historia y anal relacion de las cosas que hizieron los padres de la Compañia de Iesus, .. Los años passados de 607. Y 608. / sacada. Limada, y compuesta de portugues en castellano por el doctor Christoval Suarez de Figueroa

Authors: Fernao Guerreiro, Christoval Suarez de Figueroa (translator)
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 216-11 222
Year: 1614, Place: Madrid
Publisher: En la Imprenta real

Historia y relacion de lo sucedido en los reinos de Iapon y China en la qual se continua la gran persecucion que ha auido en aq[ue]lla Iglesia, desde el ãno 615. Hasta el de 19. / por Pedro Morejon

Author: Pedro Morejon
Language: Portugese
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 093-12 097
Year: 1621, Volume: 2
Place: Lisboa
Publisher: Iuan Rodriguez

A historical sketch of the Japan mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 512
Organization: Episcopal Church. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
Year: 1883, Place: New York
Publisher: Foreign Cimmittee

History of Christian missions in China and Japan / [lectures] by Harlan P. Beach ; lecture notes taken by Homer H. Dubs

Authors: Harlan P. (Harlan Page) Beach, Homer H. Dubs (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 747-11 749

A history of Christianity in Japan / by Otis Cary Protestant missons

Author: Otis Cary
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 957-10 960
Year: 1909, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

History of Protestant missions in Japan read at the Õsaka Conference / by the Rev. G.F. Verbeck

Author: G.F. (Guido Fridolin) Verbeck
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 754-8 755
Year: 1883, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: R. Meiklejohn

History of the Japan mission of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1879-1904 / edited by Henry K. Miller

Author: Henry K. Miller
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 6 325-6 326
Year: 1904, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: Boar of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in the United States

A history of the missions in Japan and Paraguay / by Cecilia Mary Caddel

Author: Cecilia Mary Caddel
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 086-12 089
Year: 1856, Place: London
Publisher: Burns & Lambert

Iaerliicksche brieven van Iaponien der jaren 1625, 1626, 1627 aen den seer eervveerdighen vader in Christo P. Mutius Vitellescus generael der societeyt Iesu

Language: Dutch
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 322-11 326
Year: 1632, Place: Antwerpen
Publisher: by Jan Cnobbaert

Iaponen, consessionis, & approbationis propriarum lectionum recitandarum in officio S.S. martyrum Pavli Miki, Io. De Goto, et Iacobi Kisai e societe I

Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 930
Organization: Catholic Church. Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum
Year: 1721, Place: Romae
Publisher: Typis Reu. Camera Apostolicae

Il tragico ed ammirabile spettacolo delli ventitre gloriosi Martiri dell´Ordine Minore di S Francesco dell´Osseruanza, crosifissi nel Giappone per la fede di Giesu Christo hora dichiarati Beati dal Sommo Pontifice Urbano VIII, con facoltá celebrane le Messe, & Divini Ufficij..

Author: Giovanni Paolo Grandi
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 924
Year: 1628, Place: In Venetia
Publisher: Appresso Giacomo Sarzina

Influences bearing upon Christian thought in Japan / by Nariaki Kozaki

Author: Nariaki Kozaki
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 068
Year: 1891, Place: [U.S.?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

The invention of a new religion / by B.H. Chamberlain

Author: Basill Hall Chamberlain
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 348
Year: 1912, Place: London
Publisher: Watts

Istoria della vita e del martirio dei santi giapponesi Paolo Michi Giovanni Soan de Goto e Giacomo Chisai della compagnia di Gesü / compilata dal P. Giuseppe Boero

Author: P. Giuseppe (editor)
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 456-2 457
Year: 1862, Place: Roma
Publisher: Coi tipi della Civiltá Cattolica

Jaerlÿcken brief van Japonien van het iaer 1624 aenden seer eerweerdighen P. Mutius Vitellescus, generael vande societyet Iesu..

Language: Dutch
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 319-11 321
Year: 1628, Place: Mechelen
Publisher: Gedruckt by Henrick Jape

Japan its people and missions / by Jesse Page

Author: Jesse Page
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 514-12 516
Period: [1895?]
Place: London
Publisher: S.W. Partridge

Japan country, court, and people / by J.C. Calhoun Newton

Author: John C. Calhoun Newton
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 614-619
Year: 1900, Place: Dallas
Publisher: Publishing house of the M.E. Church, South

Japan / by Mrs. Edward Bickersteth

Author: Mary Jane Bickersteth
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 522-2 524
Year: 1908, Place: London
Publisher: A.R. Mowbray

Japan and the Japan mission of the Church Missionary Society

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 483-2 485
Year: 1898, Edition: 3rd ed., with a map and ill.Place: London
Publisher: Church Missionary Society

Japan and the Japan mission of the Church Missionary Society / by Eugene Stock

Author: Eugene Stock
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 772-775
Year: 1887, Edition: 2nd ed., rev., in part re-written, and continued to date / by the Rev. C.F. WarrenPlace: London
Publisher: Church Missionary House: Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday

Japan and the Nippon Sei Kokwai.. a sketch of the work of the American Episcopal Church / by Edward Abbot

Author: Edward Abbot
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 841
Year: 1900, Place: Hartford
Publisher: Church Missions Pub. Co

Japan as a mission field a brief sketch / by I.R. Worcester

Author: Isaac Redington Worcester
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 211
Year: 1879, Edition: [3rd ed.]Place: Boston
Publisher: A.B.C.F.M.

Japan in transition / by Loretta L. Shaw ; with a foreword by the Rev. C. Mollan Williams

Author: Loretta L. Shaw
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 907-8 908
Year: 1921, Place: New York
Publisher: G.H. Doran

The Japan mission of the American church church work in the doiceses of Tokyo an Kyoto / Robert W. Andrew

Author: Robert W. Andrews
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 466-2 468
Year: 1908, Place: Hartford
Publisher: Church Mission Pub. Co.

Japanese Buddhism / by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Author: Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 001
Year: 1938, Place: [Tokyo]
Publisher: Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Goverment Railways

The Japanese martyrs, or, A brief sketch of the lives and maryrdom of the Franciscan saints who were canonized at St. Peter´s in Rome, by Ope Pius IX.. / by the Rev. Father Emmanuel Kenners

Author: Emmanuel Kenners
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 488-2 489
Year: 1862, Place: Manchester
Publisher: A. Ireland & Co., Printers

The Japanese spirit / Okakura-Yoshisaburo ; with an introduction by George Meredith

Authors: Yoshisaburo Okakura, George Meredith (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 846-847
Year: 1905, Place: New York
Publisher: J. Pott

The Jesuit martyrs of Japan a history of the lives and martyrdom of Paul Michi, James Chisai, and John Soan de Goto, of the Society of Jesus / by Father Boero ; translated from the Italian by a Catholic priest

Author: Giuseppe P. Boero
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 890-12 892
Year: 1862, Place: Dublin
Publisher: J. Duffy

The Jesuit mission press in Japan, 1591-1610 : by Ernest Mason Satow

Author: Ernest Mason Satow
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 896-7 897
Year: 1926, Place: [Tokyo]
Publisher: [Keisuisha]

Jo. Petri Maffeji Bergomatis e Societate Jesu Opera o´mnia Latine scripta nunc primum in unum corpus collecta, variisque illustrationibus exornata : accedit Maffeji vita Petro Antonio Serassio auctore : guid praeterea in hac omnium accuratissima editione praestitum..

Author: Giovanni Pietro Maffei
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 173-10 185
Year: 1847, Volume: 2
Place: Bergomi
Publisher: Excudebat Petrus Lancellottus

Jottings from Japan / by Susan Ballard

Author: Susan Ballard
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 604-11 605
Year: 1909, Place: Westminster
Publisher: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

Just before the dawn the life and work o Ninomiya Sontoku / by Robert Cornell Armstrong

Author: Robert Cornell Armstrong
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 302-3 305
Year: 1912, Place: New York
Publisher: Macmillan

Kamakura / by Yone Noguchi

Author: Yoné Noguchi
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 890-1 891
Year: 1910, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Kelly & Walsh

Kampei taisha to sono gosaijun, or, The first class government shrines and their deities / by Richard Ponsonby Fane

Author: Richard Arthur Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 105
Period: [19--?]
Place: [S.I.]
Publisher: [s.n.]

La crise d´ame d´un japonais, ou, Comment je suis devenu chrétien? / Kanzo Outchimoura ; traduit avec autorisation par Jules Rambaud ; précédé d´une préface de Raoul Allier

Authors: Kanzo Uchimura, Jules Rambaud (translator), Raoul Allier (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 333-5 335
Year: 1913, Place: Genéve
Publisher: J.-H. Jeheber

La hiérarchie catholigue en Chine, en Corée et au Japon (1307-1914) essai / par Joseph De Moidrey

Author: Joseph Tardif de Moidrey
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 197-8 200
Year: 1914, Place: Shanghai
Publisher: Impr. De l´Orphelinat de T´ou-sé-wé

La mythologie des Japonais, d´aprés le Kokü-si-ryakü, ou abrégé des historiens du Japon / traduite pour la premiére fois sur le texte Japonais par Emile Burnouf

Authors: Tõen Iwagaki, Emile Burnouf (translator)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 418
Year: 1875, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Maisonneuve

La religion de Jésus (Iazo ja-kyõ) ressuscitée au Japon dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siécle / par Franciscque Marnaz

Author: Francisque Marnaz
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 269-5 283
Period: [1897?]
Volume: 2
Place: Paris
Publisher: Delhomme et Briguet

La vie de S. Francois Xavier apôtre des Indes et du Japon / d´aprés le R.P. Bouhours

Author: Dominique Bouhours
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 901-12 902
Year: 1853, Place: Limoges
Publisher: Barbou fréres

L´évangile au Japon au xxe siécle correspondance et ouvrages de M. Alfred Ligneul.. / publiés avec introduction, notes et résumés par l´abbe Sylvain Verret

Authors: Alfred Ligneul, Sylvain Verret (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 568-2 571
Year: 1904, Place: Paris
Publisher: Libr. Vve. Ch. Poussielgue

Le bouddhisme japonais doctrines et histoire des douze grandes sectes bouddhiques du Japon / par Ryauon Fujishima

Author: Ryauon Fujishima
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 593-5 595
Year: 1889, Place: Paris
Publisher: Maisonneuve et Ch. Leclerc

Le catholcisme au Japon / par Albert Vogt

Author: Albert Vogt
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 487
Period: [1905?]
Place: Paris
Publisher: Libr. Bloud

Le catholicisme au Japon / par L. Delplace

Author: L. Delplace
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 469-2 476
Period: 1909-1910
Volume: 2
Place: Bruxelles
Publisher: Libr. A. Dewit

Le martyrologie de l´eglise du Japon 1549-1649 / par l´abbé Profillet

Author: abbé Profillet
Language: French
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 2 370-2 387
Period: 1895-1897
Volume: 3
Place: Paris
Publisher: Téqui

Le péril japonais en Indo-Chine réflexions politiques et militaires / R. Castex

Author: Raoul Castez
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 862
Period: [1904?]
Place: Paris
Publisher: H. Charles-Lavauzelle

Le premier Frncais martyrisé au Japon, ou, Vie du vénérablae Guillaume Courtet, religieux dominicain / par G. Tarniquet

Author: G. Tarniquet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 413-11 415
Year: 1891, Place: [Lille]
Publisher: Société de Saint-Augustin

Le Protestantisme au Japon (1859-1907) / par Raoul Allier

Author: Raoul Allier
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 440-2 442
Year: 1908, Place: San Jose
Publisher: F. Alcan

Le saints martyrs du Japon pélerinage á Rome en juin 1862 / par Maxime de Montrond

Author: Maxime de Montrond
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 462-11 464
Year: 1863, Place: Lille
Publisher: L. Lefort

Le shinntoísme. Tome premier, Les dieux du Shinntõ / Michel Revon

Author: Michel Revon
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 352-3 357
Year: 1907, Place: Paris
Publisher: E. Leroux

Les daimyô chrétiens, ou, Un siécle de l´histoire religiesu et poltique du Japon 1549-1650 / par M. Steichen

Author: M. Steichen
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 513-2 517
Year: 1904, Place: Hongkong
Publisher: Impr. De la Société des missions étrangéres

Les martyrs du Japon histoire des 26 martyrs et des fétes de leur canonisation le 8 juin 1862 / par J. -M. Villefranche

Author: Jasques-Melchior Villefranche
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 416-11 417
Year: 1862, Edition: 6. ÉdPlace: Paris
Publisher: V. Palmé

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, 1916. Premiére année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 176-3 181
Year: 1916, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, 1917. Deuxiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 182-3 187
Year: 1917, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, 1925. Sixiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 201-3 209
Year: 1925, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, 1927. Septiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 210-3 219
Year: 1927, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, 1929. Huitiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 220-3 226
Year: 1929, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, Dixiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 236-3 244
Year: 1933, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon, Neuviéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 227-3 235
Year: 1931, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon. Cinquiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 194-3 400
Year: 1923, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les missions de Chine et du Japon. Troisiéme année / J. -M Planchet

Author: J. -M (Jean-Marie) Planchet
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 188-3 193
Year: 1919, Place: Pékin
Publisher: Impr. des lazaristes

Les religions de l´extréme-orient lecon d´ouverture faite á l´Ecole pratique des hautes-études / par Léon de Rosny

Author: Léon de Rosny
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 172
Year: 1886, Place: Paris
Publisher: Maisonneuve frére

Les Trappistes au Japon

Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 793
Period: [1899?]
Place: [Hong Kong?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Lettera annua del Giappone dell´anno M.D.XCVI. / scritta dal P. Luigi Frois, al R.P. Claudio Asquauiua generale della Compagnia di Giesú : tradotta in italiano dal P. Francesco Mercati Romano della stessa Compagnia

Authors: Luís Fróis, Luigi P. Fróis (editor), R.P. Claudio Acquauiua (editor), P. Francesco Mercati Romano (translator)
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 465-11 467
Year: 1599, Place: Padova
Publisher: Appresso Francesco Bolzetta

Lettera annua di Giappone del M.DC.II. / scritta dal P. Gabriel de Matos al R.P. Claudio Acquauiua, generale della Compagnie di Giesu ; con una della Cina e delle Molucche

Authors: Gabriel de Matos, R.P. Claudio Acquauiua (editor)
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 248-11 249
Year: 1605, Place: Roma
Publisher: Appresso Luigi Zannetti

Lettere annue del Giappone degl´anni MDCXXV. MDCXXVI. MDCXXVII. al Molto Reu. In Christo P. Mutio Vitellichi preposito generale della Compagnia di Giesu

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 540-11 542
Year: 1632, Place: Roma
Publisher: Appresso P. Filippo Chisolsi

Lettere annue del Giappone degl´anno 74, 75, & 76 / scritte dalli reverandi padri della Compagnia i Giesú ; & di Portughese trdotte nel volgrare Italiano

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 535
Year: 1578, Place: Roma
Publisher: Per Francesco Corbelletti

Lettere annue del Giappone degl´anno MDCXXII e della Cina del 1621 & 1622 al Molto Reu. In Christo P. Mutio Vitellichi preposito generale della Compagnia di Giesu

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 137-11 140
Year: 1627, Place: Roma
Publisher: Per Francesco Corbelletti

Lettere del Giappone dell´anno M.D. LXXVII / scritte dalli reverendi padri della Compagnia di Giesú

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 977
Year: 1579, Place: In Roma
Publisher: Per Francesco Zanetti

Lettere dell´India orientale / scritte da´ reuerendi padri della Compagnia di Giesü

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 301-11 304
Year: 1580, Place: Vinegia
Publisher: Appresso Antonio Ferrari

Lettre du Iappon de l´an M.D. LXXII envoyee au R.P. general de la Compagnie de Iesus, par le P. Gaspar Cailio Vice prouincal audiet lieau

Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 538--11 539
Year: 1586, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Thomas Brumen..

Lettres des missions du Japon, ou, Supplément aux lettres de S. Francois Xavier / par A.F.

Author: A.F. (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 532-2 538
Year: 1830, Place: Lyon
Publisher: Chez M.P. Rusand

Lettres du Iappon, de l´an M.D. LXXX envoyees par les prestres de la Compagnie de Iesus vacans á la conuersion des infideles audit lieau

Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 536-11 537
Year: 1580, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Thomas Brumen..

Life and letters of Edward Bickersteth, Bishop of South Tokyo / by Samuel Bickersteth

Author: Samuel Bickersteth
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 412-418
Year: 1899, Place: London
Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston

The life of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of Indies and Japan / from the Italian of D. Bartoli and J.P. Maffei ; with a preface by the Very rev. Dr. Faber

Authors: Daniello Bartoli, J.P. Maffei (editor), Faber Dr. (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 431-11 436
Year: 1858, Place: London
Publisher: T. Jones

The life of St. Francis Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, apostle of the Indies, and of Japan / written in French by Father Dominick Bohours, of the same Society ; translated into English by Mr. Dryden

Authors: Dominique Bouhours, Dryden Mr. (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 383-11 391
Year: 1688, Place: London
Publisher: Printed for Jacob Tonson..

Light from the East studies in Japanese confucianism / by Robert Cornell Armstrong

Author: Robert Cornell Armstrong
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 332-1 335
Year: 1914, Place: [Toronto]
Publisher: Librarian, University of Toronto

Luther Halsey Gulick missionary in Hawaii, Micronesia, Japan, nd Chin / by Frances Gulick Jewett

Author: Frances Gulick Jewett
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 725-11 728
Year: 1895, Place: London
Publisher: E. Stock

Lutherans in Japan / by the Rev. R.B. Peery

Author: R.B. (Rufus Benton) Peery
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 575-2 578
Year: 1900, Place: Newbury
Publisher: Lutheran Publication Board of the United Synod

A maker of new Japan Rev Joseph Hardy Neesima, L.L.D., president of Doshish University, Kyoto / by J.D. Davis

Author: J.D. (Jerome Dean) Davis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 202-204
Year: 1894, Edition: 2nd ed.Place: New York
Publisher: Fleming H. Revell

A maker of the new Orient Samuel Robbins Brown : pioneer educator in China, America, and Japan : the story of his life and work / by William Elliot Griffis

Author: William Elliot Griffis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 458-2 461
Year: 1902, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Manual for stewards on Japan

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 929
Year: 1911, Place: London
Publisher: Church Missionary Society

A martyr of Japan (Father Mastrilli) / by Ymal Oswin

Author: Ymal Oswin
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 867
Year: 1901, Place: London
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society

Mártires Agustinos del Japon, ó sea, Vida y martirio de los beatos Fr. Fernando de san José, Fr. Pedro de Zúñiga y demás compañeros m´rtires.. / por Manuel Jimenez

Author: Manuel Jimenez
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 623-9 625
Year: 1867, Place: Valladolid
Publisher: Impr. De D. Juan de la Cuestra

Memoirs of **** commonly know by the name of George Psalmanazar, a reputed native of Formosa / written by himself..

Author: George Psalmanazar
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 560-11 563
Year: 1765, Edition: 2nd ed.Place: London
Publisher: R. Davis..

Memorial of the dedication of Yuiizukwan, Tokyo, Japan, March 25th, 1894. Cataloque of Senshin Gakuin

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 824-2 829
Year: 1894, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: [s.n.]

Message to the Japanese people approved by seven hundred missionaries

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 487
Period: [1912?]
Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Kyobunkwan & Keiseisha

The miscellany of Japanese priest being translation of Tsure-zure gusa / by William N. Porter ; with an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa

Authors: Kenkõ Yoshida, William N. Porter (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 551-3 553
Year: 1914, Place: London
Publisher: H. Milford

Miss Wistaria at home a tale of modern Japan / by Margaret Lancaster String

Author: Margaret Lancaster String
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 484-9 485
Year: 1918, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in the United States

Mission constitution, 1915

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 6 323
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission
Year: 1915, Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [The Board]

The mission of the Church Missionary Society the Japan mission

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 005
Organization: Church Missionary Society
Period: [1898?]
Place: London
Publisher: The Society

Mission problems in Japan theoretical and practical / lectures delivered before the Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan, by the Rev. Albertus Pieters

Author: Albertus Pieters
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 404-5 406
Year: 1912, Place: New York
Publisher: The Board of Publication

Missionary joys in Japan, or, Leaves from my journal / by Paget Wilkes ; with an introduction by the Rev. Barclay F. Buxton

Authors: Alphaeus Nelson Paget Wilkes, Barclay F. Buxton (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 920-2 923
Year: 1913, Place: London
Publisher: Morgan & Scott

Missoes dos jesuitas no Oriente nos seculos XVI e XVII trabalho destinado á X sessao do Congresso internacional dos orientalistas / por Jeronymo P.A. da Camara Manoel

Author: Jeronymo Pinheiro d´Almeida da Camara Manuel
Language: Portugese
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 478-9 479
Year: 1894, Place: Lisboa
Publisher: Imprensa nacional

A modern Paul in Japan an account of the life and work of the Rev. Pul Sawayama / by Jinzo naruse ; with an intoduction by Alexander McKenzie

Author: Jinzõ Naruse
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 003-11 004
Year: 1893, Place: Boston
Publisher: Congregational Sunday-School and Pub. Society

More about Japan / by Susan Ballard

Author: Susan Ballard
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 622-11 623
Year: 1915, Place: Westminster
Publisher: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

Mors felicissima quatuor legotorum lusitanorum et sociorum quos Iapponiae imperator occidit in odium Christianae religionis / anctor Antonio Francisco Cardim

Author: Antonio Francisco Cardim
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 331
Year: 1646, Place: Romae
Publisher: Typis Heredum Corbelletti

Mr. And Mrs. Ananias the transliteration into English of supposedly ancient Judean annals / Wm. Merrel Vories

Author: William Merrel Vories
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 934-8 935
Year: 1916, Place: Hachiman
Publisher: Omi Mission

A mustard-seed in Japan empodying the Japanese experiences of an American teacher / by Wm. Merrel Vories

Author: William Merrel Vories
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 999-9 000
Year: 1911, Place: Hachiman
Publisher: [s.n.]

My new gospel / by Toransuke Miyazaki, the prophet ; translated by Goro Takahashi

Authors: Toranosuke Miyazaki, Goro Takahashi (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 360-5 362
Year: 1910, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: New Gospel Society Pub. House

Nachrichten von einigen alterhümlichen Gegenständen Japans / von August Pfizmaier

Author: August Pfizmaier (editor)
Language: German
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 103-9 104
Year: 1866, Place: Wien
Publisher: Aus der K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei

The need of the Japan Unitarian Mission Cataloque of the Jiyu Shin Gakko 1892-1893

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 067
Year: 1893, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: [s.n.]

New life on the oldest empire / by Charles P. Sweet

Author: Charles Filkins Sweet
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 909-8 911
Year: 1919, Place: New York
Publisher: Macmillan

Nichiren the Buddhist prophet / by Masaharu Anesaki

Author: Masaharu Anesaki
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 412-5 413
Year: 1916, Place: Cambridge
Publisher: Harvard University Press

Niffon no Cotobani yô confension.. = modus confidenti et examinandi poenitentem Japonensem, formula suamet lingua Japonica / auctore Didaco Collado

Author: Diego Collado
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 074
Year: 1632, Place: Romae
Publisher: Typis & impensis Sac. Congreg. de Propag. Fide

The night of the gods an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogonic mythology and symbolism : volume I / by John O´Neill

Author: John O´Neill
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 485-11 491
Year: 1893, Place: London
Publisher: B. Quatrich

Occult Japan, or, The way of the gods an esoteric study of Japanese personality and possension / by Percival Lowell

Author: Percival Lowell
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 424-5 428
Year: 1894, Place: Boston
Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

On the use of the world Ehoba in the prayer book of the Nippon Sei Kõkwai / by Two of the clergy Two of the clergy

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 275
Year: 1890, Place: Tokio
Publisher: The Hakubunsha, printers

Our heritage in the church papers written for divinity students in Japan / by Edward Bickersteth ; with a preface by B.F. Westcott

Authors: Edward Henry Bickersteth, B.F. Westcott (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 883-12 885
Year: 1898, Place: London
Publisher: Sampson Low, Marston & Co.

Outline annals and mission roll of the Japan Mission of the A.B.C.F.M. 1897

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 614
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission
Year: 1897, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Printed by the Yokohama Bunsha

Outline annals and mission roll of the Japan Mission of the American Board

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 6 321
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission
Period: [1914?]
Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [The Board?]

Outline studies on Japan / prepared.. by Tissington Tatlow

Author: Tissington Tatlow
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 605
Year: 1900, Place: London
Publisher: Student Volunteer Missionary Union

Phallicism in Japan / by Edmund Buckley

Author: Edmund Buckley
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 457
Year: 1895, Place: Chicago
Publisher: University of Chicago Press

The praises of Amida seven Buddhist sermons / translated from the Japanese of Tada Kanai by Arthur Lloyd

Authors: Kanai Tada, Arthur Lloyd (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 106-9 107
Year: 1907, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Kyobunkwan

Presbyterian foreign missions an account of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. / by Robert E. Speer

Author: Robert E. (Robert Elliot) Speer
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 997-11 000
Year: 1901, Place: Chicago
Publisher: F.H. Revell

Prince Siddartha, the Japanese Buddha / by John Atkinson ; with an introduction by F.E. Clark

Authors: John Laidlaw Atkinson, F.E Clark (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 139-1 142
Year: 1893, Place: Boston
Publisher: Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society

Proceedings of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan held in Tokyo, October 24-31, 1900 ; with extensive supplements

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 294-5 305
Organization: General Conference of the Protestant Missioneries of Japan
Year: 1901, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Methodist Publishing House

Proceedings of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan held at Osaka, Japan, April, 1883 / edited by the publishing committee

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 306-5 312
Organization: General Conference of the Protestant Missioneries of Japan
Year: 1883, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: R. Meiklejohn

The psychology of oriental religious experience a study of some typical experiences of Japanese converts to Christianity / by Katsuji Kato

Author: Katsuji Kato
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 457-458
Year: 1915, Place: Menasha
Publisher: G. Banta

A Quakers diary in the Orient / by William C. Allen

Author: William Charles Allen
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 637-2 638
Year: 1915, Place: San Jose
Publisher: Press of Wright-Eley Co.

A quarter of a century in the islands empire, or, The progress of a mission in Japan / Mrs. L.H. Pierson

Author: L.H., Mrs Pierson
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 698-700
Year: 1899, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Methodist Publising House for the author

Quelques pages de l´histoire religieuse du Japon conférences faites au Collége de France / par Masaharu Anesaki

Author: Masaharu Anesaki
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 332-2 334
Year: 1921, Place: Paris
Publisher: E. Bernard

Recentissima de amplissimo regno Chinae item De Statu rei christianae apud magnum regem mogor et De morte Taicosame Iaponiorum monarchae

Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 9 099- 9 100
Year: 1601, Place: Moguntiae
Publisher: Typis Ioannis Albini

Recherches historiques sur l´état de la religion chrétienne au Japon, relativement á la nation hollandoise / trduises du hollondois de M. le Caron Onno-Swier de Haren

Author: Onno Zwier van Haren
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 270-11 272
Year: 1778, Place: Londres
Publisher: et se trouve á

Relacam annual das cousas que fizeram os padres de Companhia da Iesu, nas partes da India Oriental, & em algu[n]as outras da conquista deste Reyno nos annos de 604 & 605 do processo da conuersam & Christandade daquellas partes / tirada das cartas dos mesmos padres que de la vieram pello padre Fernam Guerreiro

Author: Fernao Guerreiro
Language: Portugese
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 327-11 330
Year: 1607, Place: Lisboa
Publisher: Impresso por Pedro Crasbeeck

Relacion breve, y sumaria del edito que mandó publicar en todo su reyno del Bojú, uno de los mas poderosos del Japon, el rey Idate Masamune publicando la fe de Cristo, y del embaxador que embia a España en compañia del reverendo padre fray Luys Sotelo Recoloto Francisco

Author: Luys Sotelo Recoleto Francisco (editor)
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 474
Year: 1614, Place: En Sevilla
Publisher: Con licensia.. Por Alonso Rodriguez Gamarra.., Año de

Relacion de los martyres del Iapon del año de 1627 / por el padre Pedro Moreion

Author: Pedro Morejon
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 266-11 267
Year: 1631, Place: Mexico
Publisher: Imprenta de Iuan Ruyz

Relacion de los martyres que ha avido en Iapon desde el año de mil seiscientos y veinte y seis, hasta el año de veite y ocho, en particular de seis dellos de la religiõ de S. Domingo.. / compuesta por Diego Aduarte

Author: Diego Aduarte
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 743
Year: 1632, Place: Sevilla
Publisher: L. Estupiñan

Relacion verdadera del recibimiento ue la sandidad del papa Paulo Quinto y los mas Cardenales hizieron en Roma al Embaxador de los Japones, que desta Ciudad de Sevilla partió el año passado / escripta por el padre fray Lys Sotelo, dende Roma a un religioso grave desta ciudad

Author: Luys Sotelo
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 475
Year: 1616, Place: Sevilla
Publisher: Impresso con licensia del conde de Salvatierra Assistense de Sevilla, por Francisco de Lyr.., Año de

Relaciones de Fr. Diego de San Francisco sobre las persecuciónes del Cristianismo en el Japôn (1625-1632)

Author: Diego de San Francisco
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 659-2 660
Year: 1915, Place: Madrid
Publisher: Imp. De Gabriel López del Horno

Relation de la persecution du Iapon pour les années mil six cens vingt-huict, vingt-neuf, trent : anuoyée au R.P. Mutio Vitellischi, general de la Compagnie di Jesus / traduicte de l´italien imprimé á Rome, par un pere de la mesme compagnie

Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 505-11 508
Year: 1635, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, imprimeur ordinaire du roy..

Relation de la province du Iapon / éscrite en portugais par Francois Cardim, de la Compagnie de Iesus, Procureur de cette prouince ; traduitte & reueué en francois

Author: Antonio Francisco Cardim
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 281-11 284
Year: 1646, Place: Paris
Publisher: Mathurin Henault

Relation de l´estat de l´eglise universelle du Iapon et des martyrs qui y ont souffert depuis son commencement iusques en l´année 1630.. / le tout mis en Francois par le S.D.B.

Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 543-11 544
Year: 1635, Place: Paris
Publisher: Chez Michel Soly

Relatione della gloriosa morte di XXVI. posti in croce per comandamento del re di Giappone, alli 5. Di Febraio 1597.. / mandata dal Padre Luigi Frois.. al R.P. Claudio Aquaviva.. ; et fatta in italiano dal P. Gasparo Spitilli..

Authors: Luís Fróis, R.P. Claudio Aquaviva (editor), P. Gasparo Spitilli (translator)
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 241-12 242
Year: 1599, Place: Milano
Publisher: Nella Stampa de quon. Pacifico Pontio

Relatione della gloriosa morte, fatta di sei Christiani Giapponesi per la fede de Christo alli vinticinque di gennaro 1604 / mandata da monsignor d. Lodouico Cerquera ..

Authors: Luis de Cerqueira, Reuer Padre Claudio Asquaviva (editor)
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 863
Year: 1607, Place: In Parma
Publisher: Nella stampa d´Erasmo Viotti

Relatione delle persecutioni mosse contro la Fede di Christo in varii regni del Giappone ne gl´anni MDCXXVIII, MDCXXIX, e MDCXXX : al Molto reu.do in Christo p. Mutio Vitellischi, Preposito Generale della Compagnia di Giesu

Author: Christovão Ferreira
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 268-11 269
Year: 1635, Place: Roma
Publisher: Appresso Francesco Corbelletti

Relationi della venvta degli ambasciatori giaponesi á Roma, sino alla partita di Lisbona con vna desctittione del lor pease, evcostumi, e con le accoglienze fatte loro da tutti i prencipi christiani, per doue sono passati / raccolte da Gvido Gvaltieri

Author: Guido Gualtieri
Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 667-8 669
Year: 1586, Place: In Venetia
Publisher: Appresso I. Gioliti

Relazione della gloriosa morte di ducento e cinque beati martire nel Giappone / compilata dal P. Giuseppe Boero

Author: Giuseppe P. Boero (editor)
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 581-2 583
Year: 1867, Place: Roma
Publisher: Coi tipi della Civiltá Cattolica

Religion in Japan Shintoism--Buddhism--Christianity / by George A Cobbold

Author: George A. Cobbold
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 212-1 213
Year: 1894, Place: London
Publisher: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

The religion of the Samurai a study of Zen philosophy and discipline in China and Japan / by Kaiten Nukariya

Author: Kaiten Nukariya
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 712-1 714
Year: 1913, Place: London
Publisher: Luzac

Religionerne i Japan / G.A. Cabbold ; frit bearbejdet af B. Fuglsang

Author: George A. Cobbold
Language: Danish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 871
Year: 1895, Place: Kjobenhavn
Publisher: K. Schonberg

The religions of Japan from the dawn of history to the era of Méiji / by William Elliot Griffis

Author: William Elliot Griffis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 074-1 079
Year: 1912, Edition: 4th, revPlace: New York
Publisher: C. Scribner´s Sons

The religions of Japan / translated from the German of J. Dahlmann

Author: Joseph Dahlmann
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 651
Year: 1911, Place: London
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society

Religious history of Japan an outline with two appendices on the textual history of the Buddhist scriptures / Anesaki-Masahar

Author: Masaharu Anesaki
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 423
Year: 1907, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: [s.n.]

Reminiscences and impressions of a visit to Rome, during the canonization of the Japanese martyrs a lecture pronounced in Bryan Hall, Dec. 18, 1862 / by James Duggan

Author: James Duggan
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 151
Year: 1863, Place: Chicago
Publisher: J.J. Kearney

Report of the Japan Book and Tract Society for the year ending..

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 845-11 848
Organization: Japan Book and Tract Society
Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Printed by the Fukuin Print. Co.

Report of the work of the American Board of Commissioners fo Foreign Missions, in cooperation with the Kumi-ai-churches of Japan, for the years ending March 31st, 1892

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 065-2 066
Organization: American Board of Commissioners fo Foreign Ministers
Year: 1892, Place: Tõkyõ
Publisher: Printed by the Seishi-Bunsha

Report on a second visit to China, Japan and Korea, 1909 with a discussion of some problems of mission work / by Arthur Judson Brown

Author: Arthur Judson Brown
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 024-11 026
Period: [1910?]
Place: New York
Publisher: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.

Report on the operations of the Religious Tract Society in Japan with a catalogue of Christian publications in Japanese / by J. Murdoch

Author: John Murdoch
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 834
Year: 1882, Place: Glasgow
Publisher: Printed by Aird & Coghill

Revised draft of the mission constitution and standing rules August 1904

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 6 322
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission
Period: [1904?]
Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [The Board?]

Rome, les martyrs du Japon, et les évêques du dix-neuviéme siécle / par Augustin Cochin

Author: Augustin Cochin
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 104
Year: 1862, Place: Paris
Publisher: C. Douniol

Rosas do Japam candidas acucenes.. Colhidas no jardim da Igreja do Japaõ.. Em as vidas das muyoto illustres senhoras, d Julia Nayto, d. Luzia da Cruz, ou Caraviaxi, & d. Thecla Ignacia, ou Muni, & de suas companheiras.. / Fr. Agostinho de S. Maria

Author: Agostinho de Santa Maria
Language: Portugese
Type: Serial, Microfiche: 11 273-11 280
Period: 1709-1724
Volume: 2
Place: Lisboa
Publisher: Na officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram

Saint Francois Xavier / A. Brou

Author: Alexandre Brou
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 951-7 962
Year: 1912, Volume: 2
Edition: 2. Éd.Place: Paris
Publisher: G. Beauchesne

Scripture and criticism what the scriptures state, and what they prove themselves to be, consider in connection with questions of science and criticism / by H.G. Brand

Author: Herbert G. Brand
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 233-12 234
Year: 1901, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Printed at the "Japan Gazette" office

Sea-girt Yeso glimpses at missionary work in North Japan / by John Batchelor

Author: John Batchelor
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 238-1 239
Year: 1902, Place: London
Publisher: Church Missionary Society

Seafarers from the land of the rising sun in London / by M McLean

Author: M. Miss McLean
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 589
Period: [189-?]
Place: London
Publisher: Passmore and Alabaster

Señor, Fray Diego Collado de la Orden de S. Domingo, procurador de Japon por la dicha su Orden..

Author: Diego Collado
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 872
Period: [1630?]
Place: [Madrid?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Segunda relacion de los mil ciento y treinta y seis martyres ue ha avido en Iapon desde el año de mil seiscientos y veinte y seis, hasta el año de veite y ocho.. / compuesta por Diego Aduarte

Author: Diego Aduarte
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 744
Year: 1632, Place: Sevilla
Publisher: L. Estupinan

Sermons of a Buddhist abbot addresses on religious subjects / by the Rt. Rev. Soyen Shaku ; translated from the Japanese ms by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Authors: Sõen Shaku, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 471-8 473
Year: 1906, Place: Chicago
Publisher: Open Court Pub. Co.

Shinran and his work studies in Shinshu theology / by Arthur Lloyd

Author: Arthur Lloyd
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 468-8 470
Year: 1910, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Kyobunkwan

Shintô de godsdienst van Japan / door M.W. de Visser

Author: Marinus Willem de Visser
Language: Dutch
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 070
Year: 1911, Place: Baarn
Publisher: Hollandia-Drukkerij

Shintõ and its architecture / by Aisaburo Akiyama

Author: Aisaburo Akiyama
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 834-2 835
Year: 1936, Place: Kyoto
Publisher: Japan Welcome Society (Kinki kankõ kyõkai)

Shinto the ancient religion of Japan / by W.G. Aston

Author: William George Aston
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 475
Year: 1907, Place: London
Publisher: Constable

Shinto (the way of the gods) / by W.G. Aston

Author: William George Aston
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 188-1 192
Year: 1905, Place: London
Publisher: Longmans, Green

The Shinto cult a Christian study of the ancient religion of Japan / by Milton S. Terry

Author: Milton S. (Milton Spenser) Terry
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 291-2 292
Year: 1910, Place: Cincinnati
Publisher: Jennings and Graham

A short history of the twelve Japanese Buddish sects / translated from the original Japanese by Bunyiu Nanjio

Author: Bunyiu Nanjio (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 516-518
Year: 1886, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Bukkyo-sho-ei-yaku-shupan-sha, Meiji 19th year

Si-do-in-dzou gestes de l´officant dans les cérémonies mystiques des sectes Tendaï et Singon, d´aprés le commentaire de Horiou Toki / traduit du japonais sous sa direction par S. Kawamoura ; avec introduction et annotations par L. de Milloué

Authors: Hõryü Toki, S. Kawamoura (editor), L. de Milloué (editor)
Language: French
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 10 653-10 656
Year: 1899, Place: Paris
Publisher: E. Leroux

The sipirit of Japan / by the Rev. G.H. Moule

Author: G.H. Moule
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 365-5 369
Year: 1913, Place: London
Publisher: United Council for Missionary Education

Sixteenth annual report of the Õsaka Station of the Japan Mission of the A.B.C.F.M. for the year ending March 31st 1888

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 612
Organization: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Japan Mission. Osaka Station
Period: [1888?]
Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

A sketch of the life of Rev. Joseph Hardy Neesima, L.L.D., president of Doshisha, Kyoto / prepared by J.D. Davis

Author: J.D. (Jerome Dean) Davis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 865-5 867
Year: 1890, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Z.P. Maruya

Storia dei ventitre martiri giapponesi dell´ ordine dei minori osservanti detti di S. Francesco / scritta per la circostanza della solenne loro canonizzazione dal P. Agostino da Osimo

Author: Agostino da Osimo
Language: Latin
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 490-2 492
Year: 1862, Place: Roma
Publisher: Tip. Tiberina

Studies in Japanese Buddhism / by August Karl Reischauer

Author: August Karl Reischauer
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 611-1 615
Year: 1917, Place: New York
Publisher: Macmillan

The sunrise kingdom, or, Life and scenes in Japan and woman´s work for women there / by Julia D. Carrothers

Author: Julia D. Carrothers
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 445-449
Year: 1879, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: Presbyterian Board of Publication

Taireido, a new revelation showing the true system of life

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 486
Period: [19--?]
Place: [Tokyo?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

The task in Japan a study in modern missionary imperatives / by August Karl Reischauer

Author: August Karl Reischauer
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 641-3 643
Year: 1926, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

The temple and shrines of Nikko, Japan / by Robert Charles Hope

Author: Robert Charles Hope
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 1 783-1 784
Year: 1896, Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Kelly & Walsh

They that sat in darkness an account of rescue work in Japan in the words of the Rev. Yoshimichi Sugiura

Author: Yoshimichi Sugiura
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 946-947
Year: 1912, Place: New York
Publisher: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society

Thirty evenful years the story of the Americn Boards mission in Japan, 1869-1899 / by the Rev. M.L. Gordon

Author: M.L. (Marquis Lafayette) Gordon
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 481-5 482
Year: 1901, Place: Boston
Publisher: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

To the Reverend the Clergy of the Church of England in Japan / [Edw. Bickersteth]

Author: Edward Henry Bickersteth
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 886
Year: 1889, Place: [Tokyo?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

To the Reverend the Clergy of the Church of England in Japan / [Edw. Bickersteth]

Author: Edward Henry Bickersteth
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 886
Year: 1890, Place: [Tokyo?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Tohoku, the Scotland of Japan / by Christopher Noss

Author: Christopher Noss
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 416-5 419
Year: 1918, Place: Philadelphia
Publisher: Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in the U.S.

Tre lettere annue del Giappone de gli anni 1603, 1604, 1605, e parte del 1606 mandate dal P. Francesco Pasio V. prouinciale di quelle parti al M.R.P. Claudio Acquauiua generale della Compagnia di Giesv

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 308-11 311
Year: 1608, Place: Roma
Publisher: Appresso Barthlomeo Zannetti

Tre lettere annue del Giappone de gli anni 1603, 1604, 1605, e parte del 1606 mandate dal P. Francesco Pasio V. prouinciale di quelle parti al M.R.P. Claudio Acquauiua generale della Compagnia di Giesv

Language: Italian
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 11 995-11 998
Year: 1609, Place: Roma
Publisher: Appresso Barthlomeo Zannetti

Triunfo del Santo Rosario y Orden de Santo Domingo en los reinos del Japon, desade el año del señor 1617 hasta el de 1624 / por el P. Fr. Francisco Carrero

Author: Francisco Carrero
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 858-12 861
Year: 1868, Edition: 2nd ed.Place: Manila
Publisher: Impr. Del Colegio de Santo Tomás

The Unitarian movement in Japan sketches of the lives and religious work of ten representative Japanese Unitarians

Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 632
Period: [189-?]
Place: [Japan?]
Publisher: [s.n.]

Varones ilustres de la Compania de Jesus. Tomo 1, Mision del Japon

Author: Juan Eusebio Nieremberg
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 8 793-8 800
Year: 1887, Edition: 2. Ed.Place: Bilbao
Publisher: Adminstracion del "Mensajero del corazón de Jesus"

Verbeck of Japan a citizen of no country: a life story of foundation work inaugurated by Guido Fridolin Verbeck / by William Elliot Griffis

Author: William Elliot Griffis
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 327-331
Year: 1901, Place: Edinburgh
Publisher: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier

Vidas de los mártires del Japon San Pedro Bautista, san Martin de la Ascension, San Francisco Blanco y San Francisco de San Miguel, todos de la órden de San Francisco, naturales de Espa´na.. / redactadas por Eustaquio Maria de Nenclares

Author: Eustaquio Maria de Nenclares (editor)
Language: Spanish
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 406-2 409
Year: 1862, Place: Madrid
Publisher: D. Antonio Perez Dubrull

The way of contentment / translated from the Japanese by Ken Hoshino

Authors: Ekiken Kaibara, Ken Hoshino (translator)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 539-3 540
Year: 1913, Place: London
Publisher: J. Murray

A West-Pointer in the land of the Mikado / Laura De Lany Garst

Author: Laura De Lany Garst
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 2 501-2 504
Year: 1913, Place: New York
Publisher: F.H. Revell

What is Shinto? / by Genchi Katõ

Author: Genchi Katõ
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 002
Year: 1935, Place: Tokyo
Publisher: Maruzen

The wheat among the tares studies of Buddhism in Japan : a collection of essays and lectures.. / by the Rev. A. Lloyd

Author: Arthur Lloyd
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 5 402-5 403
Year: 1908, Place: London
Publisher: Macmillan

The winning of the Far East a study of the Christian movement in China, Korea and Japan / by Sidney L. Gulick

Author: Sidney Lewis Gulick
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 3 797-3 798
Year: 1923, Place: New York
Publisher: G.H. Doran

The witness of the Church to the Resurrection a sermon preached in the Church of S. Andrew, Shiba, Tokyo, on Easter Day, 1890 / by Edward Bickersteth

Author: Edward Bickersteth
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 12 709
Period: [1890?]
Place: Yokohama
Publisher: Kelly & Walsh

Women of the Orient n account of the religious, intellectual, and social condition of women in Japan, China, India, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey / by Ross C. Houghton ; with an introduction by Mrs. A.D. Hail

Authors: Ross C. Houghton, A.D. Mrs. Hail (editor)
Language: English
Type: Monograph, Microfiche: 7 946-7 950
Year: 1877, Place: Nashville
Publisher: Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. House